Development of the ocr part of AOI
Samo Penic
2018-11-18 69abed7feb165280d1ebf8714d71bb25294cbb97
author Samo Penic <>
Sunday, November 18, 2018 09:43 +0000
committer Samo Penic <>
Sunday, November 18, 2018 09:43 +0000
tree 8b65befdcf1c07bbff6f9a4663a8ae87ded29e22 tree | zip | gz
parent c1968cec9332f11aa25c723884f7a9b407e3bdb0 view | diff
Some fixes
2 files modified
3 files added
36 ■■■■ changed files
.idea/sonarIssues.xml 20 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history
aoi_ocr/ 16 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history
aoi_ocr/__pycache__/Ocr.cpython-36.pyc diff | view | raw | blame | history
aoi_ocr/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc diff | view | raw | blame | history
aoi_ocr/__pycache__/sid_process.cpython-36.pyc diff | view | raw | blame | history