#include #include #include "general.h" #include "vertex.h" //#include "io.h" //#include "initial_timestep.h" /** Entrance function to the program * @param argv is a number of parameters used in program call (including the program name * @param argc is a pointer to strings (character arrays) which holds the arguments * @returns returns 0 on success, any other number on fail. */ int main(int argv, char *argc[]){ ts_bool retval; ts_vertex_list *vlist=init_vertex_list(5); retval=vtx_add_neighbour(VTX(1),VTX(0)); if(retval==TS_FAIL) printf("1. already a member or vertex is null!\n"); retval=vtx_add_neighbour(VTX(0),VTX(1)); if(retval==TS_FAIL) printf("2. already a member or vertex is null!\n"); VTX_DATA(1)->x=1.0; vtx_list_free(vlist); printf("Done.\n"); return 0; //program finished perfectly ok. We return 0. }