import sys, getopt import tabulate def printHelp(): print('Python module tsmgr accept following switches:\n') print('tsmgr [-n process number] [-R] [-h] [-r] [-s] [-c comment text] [-a comment text]\n') print('[-n process number]: number of process for which -s -r -c or -a switch apply. Should be placed before any other switch'); print('[-R] : raw output for -s switch'); print('[-r] : run process'); print('[-s] : process status'); print('[-c comment text] : write new comment for process'); print('[-a comment text] : append additional comment for process'); print('[-h] : print help'); def start(Runs): argv=sys.argv[1:] processno=0 raw=False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"Ra:n:hrsc:") except getopt.GetoptError: printHelp() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-R': raw=True elif opt == '-h': printHelp() sys.exit() elif opt == '-r': if processno: localRuns=[Runs[processno-1]] else: localRuns=Runs for run in localRuns: run.start() elif opt == '-s': report=[] i=1 if processno: localRuns=[Runs[processno-1]] else: localRuns=Runs for run in localRuns: line=run.getStatistics() line.insert(0,i) report.append(line) i=i+1 if(raw): print(report) else: print ("\n\nTrisurf running processes report\n") print (tabulate.tabulate(report,headers=["Run no.", "Run start time", "ETA", "Status", "PID", "Path", "Comment"], tablefmt='fancy_grid')) elif opt == '-n': processno=int(arg) if processno<1 or processno>len(Runs) : processno=0 elif opt == '-c': comment = arg if processno: Runs[processno-1].writeComment(arg) elif opt == '-a': comment = arg if processno: Runs[processno-1].writeComment("\n"+arg, 'a') else: printHelp() sys.exit(2)