TRISURF NG ========== 1. Instalation -------------- To compile the program, user must have ``automake``, and ``gcc`` tools installed on the computer. Required libraries are: * libconfuse * libgsl * libxml2 * zlib On Debian based systems, install prerequisities by typing the following command in the command line: ``sudo apt-get install libconfuse-dev libgsl0-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev automake gcc`` Move to the project root directory and compile with: ``./configure`` ``make`` ``make install`` If you are experiencing difficulties due to different automake versions, proceed with the longer procedure: ``aclocal`` ``autoheader`` ``automake -ac`` ``autoconf`` ``./configure`` ``make`` ``make install`` 2. Use ------ Prepare tape file, storing the definition for the simulation. You can use the sample tape file in the ``src/`` directory as a template for your simulation. Run simulations with ``trisurf-ng --force-from-tape`` for initial run, or ``trisurf-ng`` for continuing aborted simulations.