/* vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 noet : */ #include #include "general.h" #include "vertex.h" ts_bond_list *init_bond_list(){ ts_bond_list *blist=(ts_bond_list *)malloc(sizeof(ts_bond_list)); blist->n=0; blist->bond=NULL; return blist; } ts_bond *bond_add(ts_bond_list *blist, ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2){ ts_uint i; /* no vertices must be null! */ if(vtx1==NULL || vtx2==NULL) return NULL; /* Verify if the bond already exists... Don't do multiple bonds */ for(i=0;in;i++){ if((blist->bond[i]->vtx1==vtx1 || blist->bond[i]->vtx1==vtx2) &&(blist->bond[i]->vtx2==vtx1 || blist->bond[i]->vtx2==vtx2)) return blist->bond[i]; } blist->n++; blist->bond=(ts_bond **)realloc(blist->bond,blist->n*sizeof(ts_bond *)); if(blist->bond==NULL) fatal("Cannot reallocate memory for additional **ts_bond.",100); blist->bond[blist->n-1]=(ts_bond *)malloc(sizeof(ts_bond)); if(blist->bond[blist->n-1]==NULL) fatal("Cannot allocate memory for additional *ts_bond.",100); //NOW insert vertices into data! blist->bond[blist->n - 1]->vtx1=vtx1; blist->bond[blist->n - 1]->vtx2=vtx2; blist->bond[blist->n - 1]->tainted=0; blist->bond[blist->n - 1]->idx=blist->n-1; //Should we calculate bond length NOW? return blist->bond[blist->n-1]; } ts_bool bond_vector(ts_bond *bond){ bond->x = bond->vtx1->x - bond->vtx2->x; bond->y = bond->vtx1->y - bond->vtx2->y; bond->z = bond->vtx1->z - bond->vtx2->z; return TS_SUCCESS; } ts_bool bond_get_edge_vector(ts_double *vector, ts_bond *bond, ts_vertex *vtx){ if(vtx==bond->vtx2){ vector[0]=bond->x; vector[1]=bond->y; vector[2]=bond->z; } else { vector[0]=-bond->x; vector[1]=-bond->y; vector[2]=-bond->z; } return TS_SUCCESS; } ts_bool bond_list_free(ts_bond_list *blist){ ts_uint i; for(i=0;in;i++){ free(blist->bond[i]); } free(blist->bond); free(blist); return TS_SUCCESS; }