From d33abe246221255be91bacda79f5852b8c4ed8fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <>
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2013 17:47:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Triangles are ordered in the bond now. Also kp and km are found as adjvtx. They are also ordered.

 src/vertex.c |  310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/vertex.c b/src/vertex.c
index 54ae9b7..023e6fc 100644
--- a/src/vertex.c
+++ b/src/vertex.c
@@ -3,102 +3,268 @@
 #include "general.h"
 #include "vertex.h"
+#include "bond.h"
-/* Argument je struktura vlist in stevilo vertexov, ki jih zelimo dati v
- * vlist je lahko NULL, N mora biti vecje od 0. Ce vlist obstaja, potem resizamo
- * vlist na stevilo N.
- */
-ts_vertex **init_vertex_list(ts_uint N){	
+ts_vertex_list *init_vertex_list(ts_uint N){	
 	ts_int i;
-    ts_vertex **vlist;
+    ts_vertex_list *vlist=(ts_vertex_list *)calloc(1,sizeof(ts_vertex_list));
-		err("Initialized vertex list with zero elements. Pointer set to NULL");
-		vlist=NULL;
-		return NULL;
+        	vlist->n=0;
+		vlist->vtx=(ts_vertex **)calloc(1,sizeof(ts_vertex *)); /*Allocate one memory space for vlist anyway */
+		return vlist;
-		vlist=(ts_vertex **)malloc(N*sizeof(ts_vertex *));
-        if(vlist==NULL)
-            fatal("Fatal error reserving memory space for vertex list! Could number of requsted vertices be too large?", 100);
-        for(i=0;i<N;i++){
-               vlist[i]=init_vertex(i); 
-        }
-	return vlist;
+    vlist->vtx=(ts_vertex **)calloc(N,sizeof(ts_vertex *));
+    if(vlist->vtx==NULL)
+        fatal("Fatal error reserving memory space for vertex list! Could number of requsted vertices be too large?", 100);
+    for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
+        vlist->vtx[i]=(ts_vertex *)calloc(1,sizeof(ts_vertex));
+        vlist->vtx[i]->idx=i;
+	vlist->vtx[i]->neigh=init_vertex_list(0);
+    	/* initialize Ylm for spherical hamonics DONE in sh.c */
+    	}
+    vlist->n=N;
+    vlist->list_size=TS_VLIST_CHUNK; //TODO: can be buggy in some cases, when N>0 and we want to delete some vertices.
+    return vlist;
-ts_vertex *init_vertex(ts_uint idx){
-    ts_vertex *vtx;
-    vtx=(ts_vertex *)malloc(sizeof(ts_vertex));
-    if(vtx==NULL)
-        fatal("Fatal error reserving memory space for ts_vertex! Memory full?", 100);
-    vtx->idx=idx;
-    return vtx;
+ts_bool vertex_list_add_vtx(ts_vertex_list *vlist, ts_vertex *vtx){
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if(vtx==NULL || vlist==NULL)
+		return TS_FAIL;
+	if(vlist->list_size < vlist->n+1){
+		vlist->vtx=(ts_vertex **)realloc(vlist->vtx, (vlist->list_size+TS_VLIST_CHUNK)*sizeof(ts_vertex*));
+		if(vlist->vtx==NULL){
+			fatal("Error in vertex_list_add. Could not reallocate memory space.",9999);
+		}
+		vlist->list_size+=TS_VLIST_CHUNK;
+	}
+	vlist->vtx[vlist->n]=vtx;
+	vlist->n++;
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
-ts_bool vtx_set_global_values(ts_vertex **vlist, ts_vesicle *vesicle){
-    ts_double xk=vesicle->bending_rigidity;
-    ts_uint i;
-    for(i=0;i<vesicle->vlist.n;i++){
-        vlist[i]->xk=xk;
+/* Idea is to delete vertex by removing it from list. The emply place is then filled in by the last 
+vertex in the list. List can then be resized by one -- unless resize is required when max list size - 
+real list size > predefined value */
+ts_bool vertex_list_remove_vtx(ts_vertex_list *vlist, ts_vertex *vtx){
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if(vtx==NULL || vlist==NULL) return TS_FAIL;
+	ts_uint i;
+	for(i=0; i<vlist->n;i++){
+		if(vlist->vtx[i]==vtx){
+			vlist->vtx[i]=vlist->vtx[vlist->n-1];
+			vlist->n--;
+			if(vlist->list_size-vlist->n > TS_VLIST_CHUNK){
+				vlist->vtx=(ts_vertex **)realloc(vlist->vtx, (vlist->list_size-TS_VLIST_CHUNK)*sizeof(ts_vertex*));
+				if(vlist->vtx==NULL){
+					fatal("Error in vertex_list_add. Could not reallocate memory space.",9999);
+				}
+				vlist->list_size-=TS_VLIST_CHUNK;
+			}
+			return TS_SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	return TS_FAIL;
+ts_bool vtx_add_bond(ts_bond_list *blist,ts_vertex *vtx1,ts_vertex *vtx2){
+    ts_bond *bond;
+    bond=bond_add(blist,vtx1,vtx2);
+    if(bond==NULL) return TS_FAIL;
+    vtx1->bond_no++;
+    vtx2->bond_no++;
+   // vtx2->data->bond_no++;
+    vtx1->bond=(ts_bond **)realloc(vtx1->bond, vtx1->bond_no*sizeof(ts_bond *)); 
+    vtx2->bond=(ts_bond **)realloc(vtx2->bond, vtx2->bond_no*sizeof(ts_bond *)); 
+   // vtx2->data->bond=(ts_bond **)realloc(vtx2->data->bond, vtx2->data->bond_no*sizeof(ts_bond *)); 
+    vtx1->bond[vtx1->bond_no-1]=bond;
+    vtx2->bond[vtx2->bond_no-1]=bond;
+   // vtx2->ata->bond[vtx2->data->bond_no-1]=bond;
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+// Add neighbour just in one direction (add vtx2 as a neigh of vtx1 and not another way around!
+ts_bool vtx_add_neighbour(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2){
+	ts_uint i;
+	if(vtx1==NULL || vtx2==NULL) return TS_FAIL;
+	for(i=0;i<vtx1->neigh->n;i++){
+		if (vtx1->neigh->vtx[i]==vtx2){
+			return TS_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+		vertex_list_add_vtx(vtx1->neigh, vtx2);
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool vtx_add_cneighbour(ts_bond_list *blist, ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2){
+    ts_bool retval;
+	retval=vtx_add_neighbour(vtx1, vtx2);
+//    retval=vertex_list_add_vtx(vtx1->neigh, vtx2);
+//    retval=vertex_list_add_vtx(vtx2->neigh, vtx1);
+    if(retval==TS_SUCCESS){
+	//	fprintf(stderr,"Bond added\n");
+	   retval=vtx_add_bond(blist,vtx1,vtx2); 
+		}
+    return retval;
+/*TODO: write and optimize this urgently before use! */
+ts_bool vtx_remove_cneighbour(ts_bond_list *blist, ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex
+//    ts_bool retval;
+/* remove the bond */
+/* remove the vertices */
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool vtx_free(ts_vertex  *vtx){
+    if(vtx->neigh!=NULL)  {
+		if (vtx->neigh->vtx!=NULL) free(vtx->neigh->vtx);
+		free(vtx->neigh);
+    if(vtx->tristar!=NULL) free(vtx->tristar);
+    if(vtx->bond!=NULL)    free(vtx->bond);
+    free(vtx);
     return TS_SUCCESS;
-ts_bool vtx_add_neighbour(ts_vertex **vtx, ts_vertex **nvtx){
-    ts_uint i;
-    /* no neighbour can be null! */
-    if(vtx==NULL || nvtx==NULL) return TS_FAIL;
-    /*if it is already a neighbour don't add it to the list */
-    for(i=0; i<(*vtx)->neigh_no;i++){
-        if((*vtx)->neigh[i]==nvtx) return TS_FAIL;
+ts_bool vtx_list_free(ts_vertex_list *vlist){
+    int i;
+    for(i=0;i<vlist->n;i++){
+		if(vlist->vtx[i]!=NULL) vtx_free(vlist->vtx[i]);
-    ts_uint nn=(*vtx)->neigh_no++;
-    (*vtx)->neigh=(ts_vertex ***)realloc((*vtx)->neigh, nn*sizeof(ts_vertex **));
-    (*vtx)->neigh[nn]=nvtx;
-    /* pa se sosedu dodamo vertex */
-    /*if it is already a neighbour don't add it to the list */
-    for(i=0; i<(*nvtx)->neigh_no;i++){
-        if((*nvtx)->neigh[i]==vtx) return TS_FAIL;
-    } 
-    nn=(*nvtx)->neigh_no++;
-    (*nvtx)->neigh=(ts_vertex ***)realloc((*nvtx)->neigh, nn*sizeof(ts_vertex **));
-    (*nvtx)->neigh[nn]=vtx;
-/* Ustvari bond in doloci dolzino */
+    //free(*(vlist->vtx));
+    free(vlist->vtx);
+    free(vlist);
     return TS_SUCCESS;
-ts_bool vtx_free(ts_vertex **vtx){
-    if((*vtx)->neigh!=NULL)   free((*vtx)->neigh);
-    if((*vtx)->tristar!=NULL) free((*vtx)->tristar);
-    if((*vtx)->bond!=NULL)    free((*vtx)->bond);
-    if((*vtx)->cell!=NULL)    free((*vtx)->cell);
-    free(*vtx);
-    return TS_SUCCESS;
-inline ts_double vertex_distance_sq(ts_vertex **vtx1, ts_vertex **vtx2){
+inline ts_double vtx_distance_sq(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2){
     ts_double dist;
-    dist=pow((*vtx1)->x-(*vtx2)->x,2) + pow((*vtx1)->y-(*vtx2)->y,2) + pow((*vtx1)->z-(*vtx2)->z,2);
+    dist=pow(vtx1->x-vtx2->x,2) + pow(vtx1->y-vtx2->y,2) + pow(vtx1->z-vtx2->z,2);
-    dist=powl((*vtx1)->x-(*vtx2)->x,2) + powl((*vtx1)->y-(*vtx2)->y,2) + powl((*vtx1)->z-(*vtx2)->z,2);
+    dist=powl(vtx1->x-vtx2->x,2) + powl(vtx1->y-vtx2->y,2) + powl(vtx1->z-vtx2->z,2);
-    dist=powf((*vtx1)->x-(*vtx2)->x,2) + powf((*vtx1)->y-(*vtx2)->y,2) + powf((*vtx1)->z-(*vtx2)->z,2);
+    dist=powf(vtx1->x-vtx2->x,2) + powf(vtx1->y-vtx2->y,2) + powf(vtx1->z-vtx2->z,2);
+ts_bool vtx_set_global_values(ts_vesicle *vesicle){ 
+    ts_double xk=vesicle->bending_rigidity;
+    ts_uint i; 
+    for(i=0;i<vesicle->vlist->n;i++){
+        vesicle->vlist->vtx[i]->xk=xk;
+    }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+inline ts_double vtx_direct(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2, ts_vertex *vtx3){
+    ts_double dX2=vtx2->x-vtx1->x;
+    ts_double dY2=vtx2->y-vtx1->y;
+    ts_double dZ2=vtx2->z-vtx1->z;
+    ts_double dX3=vtx3->x-vtx1->x;
+    ts_double dY3=vtx3->y-vtx1->y;
+    ts_double dZ3=vtx3->z-vtx1->z;
+    ts_double direct=vtx1->x*(dY2*dZ3 -dZ2*dY3)+ 
+        vtx1->y*(dZ2*dX3-dX2*dZ3)+
+        vtx1->z*(dX2*dY3-dY2*dX3);
+    return(direct);    
+inline ts_bool vertex_add_tristar(ts_vertex *vtx, ts_triangle *tristarmem){
+	vtx->tristar_no++;
+	vtx->tristar=(ts_triangle **)realloc(vtx->tristar,vtx->tristar_no*sizeof(ts_triangle *));
+	if(vtx->tristar==NULL){
+			fatal("Reallocation of memory while adding tristar failed.",3);
+	}
+	vtx->tristar[vtx->tristar_no-1]=tristarmem;
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+/* vtx remove tristar is required in  bondflip. */
+/* TODO: Check whether it is important to keep the numbering of tristar
+ * elements in some order or not! */
+inline ts_bool vtx_remove_tristar(ts_vertex *vtx, ts_triangle *tristar){
+    ts_uint i,j=0;
+    for(i=0;i<vtx->tristar_no;i++){
+        if(vtx->tristar[i]!=tristar){
+            vtx->tristar[j]=vtx->tristar[i];
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
+    vtx->tristar_no--;
+    vtx->tristar=realloc(vtx->tristar,vtx->tristar_no*sizeof(ts_triangle *));
+    if(vtx->neigh == NULL){
+            fatal("Reallocation of memory failed during insertion of vertex neighbour in vertex_add_neighbour",3);
+        }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* ***** New vertex copy operations. Inherently they are slow.  ***** */
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+ts_bool vtx_copy(ts_vertex *cvtx, ts_vertex *ovtx){
+    memcpy((void *)cvtx,(void *)ovtx,sizeof(ts_vertex));
+    cvtx->neigh=init_vertex_list(0);
+    cvtx->tristar_no=0;
+    cvtx->bond_no=0;
+    cvtx->tristar=NULL;
+    cvtx->bond=NULL;
+    cvtx->cell=NULL;
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool vtx_duplicate(ts_vertex *cvtx, ts_vertex *ovtx){
+    memcpy((void *)cvtx,(void *)ovtx,sizeof(ts_vertex));
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+//TODO: needs to be done
+ts_vertex **vtx_neigh_copy(ts_vertex_list *vlist,ts_vertex *ovtx){
+        return NULL;
+ts_vertex_list *vertex_list_copy(ts_vertex_list *ovlist){
+    ts_uint i;
+    ts_vertex_list *vlist=(ts_vertex_list *)malloc(sizeof(ts_vertex_list));
+    vlist=memcpy((void *)vlist, (void *)ovlist, sizeof(ts_vertex_list));
+    ts_vertex **vtx=(ts_vertex **)malloc(vlist->n*sizeof(ts_vertex *));
+    vlist->vtx=vtx;
+    if(vlist->vtx==NULL)
+        fatal("Fatal error reserving memory space for vertex list! Could number of requsted vertices be too large?", 100);
+    for(i=0;i<vlist->n;i++) {
+        vlist->vtx[i]=(ts_vertex *)calloc(1,sizeof(ts_vertex));
+        vlist->vtx[i]->idx=i;
+        vtx_copy(vlist->vtx[i],ovlist->vtx[i]);
+    }
+    return vlist;

Gitblit v1.9.3