From a61c001cd35ff70a314ef417c4beda9c7e68d3ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 19:52:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] It works, png is output. The only problem is that some triangles are missing

 src/cross-section.c |   95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cross-section.c b/src/cross-section.c
index 1b0930e..2979353 100644
--- a/src/cross-section.c
+++ b/src/cross-section.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /** @brief Calculates cross-section of vesicle with plane.
  * Function returns points of cross-section of vesicle with plane. Plane is described with equation $ax+by+cz+d=0$. Algorithm extracts coordinates of each vertex of a vesicle and then:
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@
 ts_coord_list *get_crossection_with_plane(ts_vesicle *vesicle,ts_double a,ts_double b,ts_double c, ts_double d){
-	ts_uint i, j;
+	ts_uint i, j,k;
 	ts_double pp,Dsq; // distance from the plane squared
-	ts_double ppn; // distance from the plane squared of a neighbor
+	ts_double ppn1,ppn2; // distance from the plane squared of a neighbor
 	ts_double u; //factor to scale vector from first vector to the second to get intersection
 	ts_vertex *vtx;
+	ts_uint ntria=0; // number triangles
+	ts_uint cnt=0;
+	ts_triangle *tria[2]; // list of triangles
 	ts_coord_list *pts=init_coord_list();
@@ -26,13 +28,67 @@
-				ppn=vtx->neigh[j]->x*a+vtx->neigh[j]->y*b+vtx->neigh[j]->z*c+d;
-				if(pp*ppn<0){ //the combination of vertices are good candidates for a crossection
-					u=pp/(a*(vtx->x-vtx->neigh[j]->x)+b*(vtx->y-vtx->neigh[j]->y)+c*(vtx->z-vtx->neigh[j]->z));
+				ppn1=vtx->neigh[j]->x*a+vtx->neigh[j]->y*b+vtx->neigh[j]->z*c+d;
+				if(pp*ppn1<=0){ //the combination of vertices are good candidates for a crossection
+/*					u=pp/(a*(vtx->x-vtx->neigh[j]->x)+b*(vtx->y-vtx->neigh[j]->y)+c*(vtx->z-vtx->neigh[j]->z));
 					add_coord(pts, vtx->x+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->x - vtx->x),
 							vtx->y+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->y - vtx->y),		
 							vtx->z+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->z - vtx->z),
+					//find triangle that belongs to the two vertices
+					cnt=0;
+					ntria=0;
+					for(k=0;k<vtx->tristar_no;k++){
+						if(vtx->tristar[k]->vertex[1]==vtx->neigh[j] && vtx->tristar[k]->vertex[0]==vtx){ 
+							//triangle found.
+							tria[ntria]=vtx->tristar[k];
+							ntria++;
+						}
+					}
+					// if ntria !=1 there is probably something wrong I would say...
+					if(ntria==0) continue;
+					if(ntria!=1) {
+						fprintf(stderr,"ntria=%u\n",ntria);
+						fatal ("Error in mesh. 1 triangle not found",123123);
+					}
+					//find the two intersections (in general) to form a intersection line
+					/* we dont know which vertex is which, so we need to recalculate all previously calculated values*/
+					pp=vtx->x*a+vtx->y*b+vtx->z*c+d;
+					ppn1=vtx->neigh[j]->x*a+vtx->neigh[j]->y*b+vtx->neigh[j]->z*c+d;
+					u=pp/(a*(vtx->x-vtx->neigh[j]->x)+b*(vtx->y-vtx->neigh[j]->y)+c*(vtx->z-vtx->neigh[j]->z));
+					add_coord(pts, vtx->x+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->x - vtx->x),
+							vtx->y+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->y - vtx->y),		
+							vtx->z+u*(vtx->neigh[j]->z - vtx->z),
+					ppn2=tria[0]->vertex[2]->x*a+tria[0]->vertex[2]->y*b+tria[0]->vertex[2]->z*c+d;	
+					cnt++;
+					//two more tries to find anothen pair of vertices, one above and one below the intersection plane */	
+					if(pp*ppn2<=0) {
+						u=pp/(a*(vtx->x-tria[0]->vertex[2]->x)+b*(vtx->y-tria[0]->vertex[2]->y)+c*(vtx->z-tria[0]->vertex[2]->z));
+						add_coord(pts, vtx->x+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->x - vtx->x),
+							vtx->y+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->y - vtx->y),		
+							vtx->z+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->z - vtx->z),
+						cnt++;
+					}
+					if(ppn2*ppn1<=0) {
+						u=ppn1/(a*(vtx->neigh[j]->x-tria[0]->vertex[2]->x)+b*(vtx->neigh[j]->y-tria[0]->vertex[2]->y)+c*(vtx->neigh[j]->z-tria[0]->vertex[2]->z));
+						add_coord(pts, vtx->neigh[j]->x+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->x - vtx->neigh[j]->x),
+							vtx->neigh[j]->y+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->y - vtx->neigh[j]->y),		
+							vtx->neigh[j]->z+u*(tria[0]->vertex[2]->z - vtx->neigh[j]->z),
+						cnt++;
+					}
+					if(cnt!=2){
+						fprintf(stderr,"Hey, cnt=%u",cnt);
+					}
@@ -41,3 +97,28 @@
+/** Saves calculated crossection as a png image */
+ts_bool crossection_to_png(ts_coord_list *pts, char *filename){
+	cairo_surface_t *surface;
+	cairo_t *cr;
+	ts_uint i;
+	surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 1800, 1800);
+	cr = cairo_create (surface);
+	cairo_rectangle(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 1800,1800);
+	cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
+	cairo_fill(cr);
+	cairo_set_line_width (cr, 5.0/30.0);
+	cairo_translate(cr, 900,900);
+	cairo_scale (cr, 30, 30);
+	cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+	for(i=0;i<pts->n;i+=2){
+		cairo_move_to(cr, pts->coord[i]->e1, pts->coord[i]->e2);
+		cairo_line_to(cr, pts->coord[i+1]->e1, pts->coord[i+1]->e2);
+	}
+	cairo_stroke(cr);
+	cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface,filename);
+	cairo_surface_finish (surface);	
+	return TS_SUCCESS;

Gitblit v1.9.3