From 8fa1c00fb99a94d41606d8e870c563194160154d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:21:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added vertices position restoration

 src/restore.h |    1 +
 src/restore.c |   59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/restore.c b/src/restore.c
index d8542ac..13617c3 100644
--- a/src/restore.c
+++ b/src/restore.c
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 ts_bool parseDump(char *dumpfname) {
 	xmlDocPtr doc;
-	xmlNodePtr cur;
-	ts_vesicle *vesicle;
+	xmlNodePtr cur, cur1,cur2;
+	ts_vesicle *vesicle=NULL;
 	doc = xmlParseFile(dumpfname);
@@ -37,7 +37,28 @@
 		if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"trisurf"))){
 			vesicle=parseTrisurfTag(doc, cur);
+		// START Point Position data &  Bonds
+		if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"UnstructuredGrid"))){
+			cur1 = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
+			while(cur1!=NULL){
+				if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur1->name, (const xmlChar *)"Piece"))){
+					cur2=cur1->xmlChildrenNode;
+					while(cur2!=NULL){
+						if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur2->name, (const xmlChar *)"Points"))){
+							fprintf(stderr,"Found point data\n");
+							if(vesicle!=NULL)
+								parseXMLVertexPosition(vesicle, doc, cur);
+						}
+						if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur2->name, (const xmlChar *)"Cells"))){
+						fprintf(stderr,"Found cell(Bonds) data\n");
+						}
+						cur2=cur2->next;
+					}	
+				}
+				cur1 = cur1->next;
+			}
+		}
+		// END Point Position data & Bonds
 	cur = cur->next;
@@ -48,6 +69,9 @@
 	return TS_SUCCESS;
+/* this is a parser of additional data in xml */
 ts_vesicle *parseTrisurfTag(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur){
 	fprintf(stderr,"Parsing trisurf tag\n");
 	xmlNodePtr child;
@@ -194,3 +218,32 @@
 	return TS_SUCCESS;
+/* this is a parser of vertex positions and bonds from main xml data */
+ts_bool parseXMLVertexPosition(ts_vesicle *vesicle,xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur){
+	xmlNodePtr child = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
+	xmlChar *points;
+	char *pts;
+	int i, idx;
+	char *token[3];
+	while (child != NULL) {
+		if ((!xmlStrcmp(child->name, (const xmlChar *)"DataArray"))){
+			points = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, child->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+			pts=(char *)points;
+			for(i=0;i<3;i++)	token[i]=strtok(pts," ");
+			idx=0;
+			while(token[0]!=NULL){
+				vesicle->vlist->vtx[idx]->x=atof(token[0]);
+				vesicle->vlist->vtx[idx]->y=atof(token[1]);
+				vesicle->vlist->vtx[idx]->z=atof(token[2]);
+				for(i=0;i<3;i++)	token[i]=strtok(NULL," ");	
+				idx++;
+			}
+			xmlFree(points);
+		}
+		child=child->next;
+	}
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/restore.h b/src/restore.h
index cb1118b..b5df851 100644
--- a/src/restore.h
+++ b/src/restore.h
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
 ts_bool parseTrisurfVtxn(ts_vertex_list *vlist, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur);
 ts_bool parseTrisurfTria(ts_vesicle *vesicle, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur);
 ts_bool parseTrisurfTristar(ts_vesicle *vesicle, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur);
+ts_bool parseXMLVertexPosition(ts_vesicle *vesicle,xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur);

Gitblit v1.9.3