From 7958e9880911c822dcb78d3e1ac743a0ccdc1e03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <samo@andromeda>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 20:56:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] The initial distribution file has been rewritten. The structure of dipyramid should be accurately recreated using new datastructure. While rewritting the new datastructure proved to be very easy to understand and no memory leaks occured. Still, some questions remains unanswered -- whether the vertex neighbours and links to bonds should be linked tightly together.

 src/            |    2 
 /dev/null                  |   28 ---
 src/main.c                 |   12 +
 src/vertex.c               |   48 ++++-
 src/initial_distribution.h |    7 
 src/vesicle.c              |   11 
 src/initial_distribution.c |  374 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/general.h              |    3 
 src/vertex.h               |    3 
 9 files changed, 434 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 070b3af..b2da64f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-trisurf_SOURCES=general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c main.c
+trisurf_SOURCES=general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c main.c
 trisurf_LDFLAGS = -lm -lconfuse
 trisurf_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
diff --git a/src/general.h b/src/general.h
index ca778bf..8bfdf73 100644
--- a/src/general.h
+++ b/src/general.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define _GENERAL_H
 /* @brief This is a header file, defining general constants and structures.
   * @file header.h
@@ -247,7 +248,7 @@
 void fatal(char *text, ts_int errcode);
-//ts_uint ts_fprintf(FILE *fd, char *fmt, va_list ap);
+ts_uint ts_fprintf(FILE *fd, char *fmt, ...);
 #define VTX(n) &(vlist->vtx[n])
 #define VTX_DATA(n) vlist->vtx[n].data
diff --git a/src/initial_distribution.c b/src/initial_distribution.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f1e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/initial_distribution.c
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#include "general.h"
+#include "vertex.h"
+#include "bond.h"
+#include "vesicle.h"
+#include "vertex.h"
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "initial_distribution.h"
+ts_vesicle *initial_distribution_dipyramid(ts_uint nshell, ts_uint ncmax1, ts_uint ncmax2, ts_uint ncmax3, ts_double stepsize){
+    ts_fprintf(stderr,"Starting initial_distribution on vesicle with %u shells!...\n",nshell);
+	ts_bool retval;
+    ts_uint no_vertices=5*nshell*nshell+2;
+    ts_vesicle *vesicle=init_vesicle(no_vertices,ncmax1,ncmax2,ncmax3,stepsize);
+    vesicle->nshell=nshell;
+    retval = vtx_set_global_values(vesicle);
+    retval = pentagonal_dipyramid_vertex_distribution(vesicle->vlist);
+    retval = init_vertex_neighbours(vesicle->vlist);
+    retval = init_sort_neighbours(vesicle->vlist);
+    retval = init_vesicle_bonds(vesicle);
+    retval = init_triangles(vesicle);
+    retval = init_triangle_neighbours(vesicle);
+    retval = init_common_vertex_triangle_neighbours(vesicle);
+ ts_fprintf(stderr,"initial_distribution finished!\n");
+	return vesicle;
+ts_bool pentagonal_dipyramid_vertex_distribution(ts_vertex_list *vlist){
+	/* Some often used relations */
+	const ts_double s1= sin(2.0*M_PI/5.0);
+	const ts_double s2= sin(4.0*M_PI/5.0);
+	const ts_double c1= cos(2.0*M_PI/5.0);
+	const ts_double c2= cos(4.0*M_PI/5.0);
+	/* Calculates projection lenght of an edge bond to pentagram plane */
+	const ts_double xl0=A0/(2.0*sin(M_PI/5.0));
+	const ts_double z0=sqrt(pow(A0,2)-pow(xl0,2));
+	const ts_double z0=sqrtf(powf(A0,2)-powf(xl0,2));
+	const ts_double z0=sqrtl(powl(A0,2)-powl(xl0,2));
+//	const z0=sqrt(A0*A0 -xl0*xl0); /* I could use pow function but if pow is used make a check on the float type. If float then powf, if long double use powl */
+/*placeholder for the pointer to vertex datastructure list... DIRTY: actual pointer points towards invalid address, one position before actual beginning of the list... This is to solve the difference between 1 based indexing in original program in fortran and 0 based indexing in C. All algorithms remain unchanged because of this!*/
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vlist->vtx -1 ; 
+	ts_uint nshell=(ts_uint)( sqrt((ts_double)(vlist->n-2)/5));
+//	printf("nshell=%u\n",nshell);
+	ts_uint i,n0; // some for loop prereq
+	ts_int j,k;
+	ts_double dx,dy; // end loop prereq
+	/* topmost vertex */
+	vtx[1]->data->x=0.0;
+	vtx[1]->data->y=0.0;
+	vtx[1]->data->z=z0*(ts_double)nshell;
+	/* starting from to in circular order on pentagrams */	
+	for(i=1;i<=nshell;i++){
+		n0=2+5*i*(i-1)/2; //-1 would be for the reason that C index starts from 0 
+		vtx[n0]->data->x=0.0;
+		vtx[n0]->data->y=(ts_double)i*xl0;
+		vtx[n0+i]->data->x=vtx[n0]->data->y*s1;
+		vtx[n0+i]->data->y=vtx[n0]->data->y*c1;
+		vtx[n0+2*i]->data->x=vtx[n0]->data->y*s2;
+		vtx[n0+2*i]->data->y=vtx[n0]->data->y*c2;
+		vtx[n0+3*i]->data->x=-vtx[n0+2*i]->data->x;
+		vtx[n0+3*i]->data->y=vtx[n0+2*i]->data->y;
+		vtx[n0+4*i]->data->x=-vtx[n0+i]->data->x;
+		vtx[n0+4*i]->data->y=vtx[n0+i]->data->y;
+	}
+	/* vertexes on the faces of the dipyramid */
+	for(i=1;i<=nshell;i++){
+		n0=2+5*i*(i-1)/2; // -1 would be because of C!
+		for(j=1;j<=i-1;j++){
+			dx=(vtx[n0]->data->x-vtx[n0+4*i]->data->x)/(ts_double)i;
+			dy=(vtx[n0]->data->y-vtx[n0+4*i]->data->y)/(ts_double)i;
+			vtx[n0+4*i+j]->data->x=(ts_double)j*dx+vtx[n0+4*i]->data->x;
+			vtx[n0+4*i+j]->data->y=(ts_double)j*dy+vtx[n0+4*i]->data->y;
+		}
+		for(k=0;k<=3;k++){ // I would be worried about zero starting of for
+			dx=(vtx[n0+(k+1)*i]->data->x - vtx[n0+k*i]->data->x)/(ts_double) i;
+			dy=(vtx[n0+(k+1)*i]->data->y - vtx[n0+k*i]->data->y)/(ts_double) i;
+			for(j=1; j<=i-1;j++){
+				vtx[n0+k*i+j]->data->x= (ts_double)j*dx+vtx[n0+k*i]->data->x;
+				vtx[n0+k*i+j]->data->y= (ts_double)j*dy+vtx[n0+k*i]->data->y;
+			} 
+		} 
+	}
+	for(i=1;i<=nshell;i++){
+		n0= 2+ 5*i*(i-1)/2;
+		for(j=0;j<=5*i-1;j++){
+		vtx[n0+j]->data->z= z0*(ts_double)(nshell-i);   // I would be worried about zero starting of for
+		}
+	}
+/* for botom part of dipyramide we calculate the positions of vertices */
+	for(i=2+5*nshell*(nshell+1)/2;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+		vtx[i]->data->x=vtx[vlist->n - i +1]->data->x;
+		vtx[i]->data->y=vtx[vlist->n - i +1]->data->y;
+		vtx[i]->data->z=-vtx[vlist->n - i +1]->data->z;
+	}
+	for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+		for(j=1;j<=vlist->n;j++){
+			if(i!=j && vtx_distance_sq(vtx[i],vtx[j])<0.001){
+				printf("Vertices %u and %u are the same!\n",i,j);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_vertex_neighbours(ts_vertex_list *vlist){
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vlist->vtx -1; // take a look at dipyramid function for comment.
+	const ts_double eps=0.001; //TODO: find out if you can use EPS from math.h
+	ts_uint i,j;
+	ts_double dist2; // Square of distance of neighbours
+	/*this is not required if we zero all data in vertex structure at initialization */
+	/*if we force zeroing at initialization this for loop can safely be deleted */
+	//for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+	//	vtx[i].neigh_no=0;
+	//}
+	for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+		for(j=1;j<=vlist->n;j++){
+			dist2=vtx_distance_sq(vtx[i],vtx[j]);
+			if( (dist2>eps) && (dist2<(A0*A0+eps))){ 
+	//if it is close enough, but not too much close (solves problem of comparing when i==j)
+				vtx_add_neighbour(vtx[i],vtx[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	//		printf ("vertex %u ima %u sosedov!\n",i,vtx[i]->data->neigh_no);
+	}
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+// TODO: with new datastructure can be rewritten.
+ts_bool init_sort_neighbours(ts_vertex_list *vlist){
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vlist->vtx -1; // take a look at dipyramid function for comment.
+	ts_uint i,l,j,jj,jjj,k=0;   
+    ts_double eps=0.001; // Take a look if EPS from math.h can be used
+/*lets initialize memory for temporary vertex_list. Should we write a function instead */
+    ts_vertex_list *tvlist=init_vertex_list(vlist->n);
+    ts_vertex **tvtx=tvlist->vtx -1;  /* again to compensate for 0-indexing */
+	ts_double dist2; // Square of distance of neighbours
+    ts_double direct; // Something, dont know what, but could be normal of some kind
+	for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+		k++; // WHY i IS NOT GOOD??
+       	vtx_add_neighbour(tvtx[k], tvtx[vtx[i]->data->neigh[0]->idx+1]); //always add 1st
+       	jjj=1;
+       	jj=1;
+       	for(l=2;l<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;l++){
+           	for(j=2;j<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;j++){
+               	dist2=vtx_distance_sq(vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1],vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]);
+               	direct=vtx_direct(vtx[i],vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1],vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]);
+               	if( (fabs(dist2-A0*A0)<=eps) && (direct>0.0) && (j!=jjj) ){
+           			vtx_add_neighbour(tvtx[k],tvtx[vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1]->idx+1]);
+           			jjj=jj;
+           			jj=j;
+           			break;
+           		}
+       		}
+       	}	
+	}
+    for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+        for(j=1;j<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;j++){
+            if(vtx[i]->data->neigh_no!=tvtx[i]->data->neigh_no){ //doesn't work with nshell=1!
+//                fprintf(stderr,"data1=%u data2=%u\n",vtx[i]->data->neigh_no,tvtx[i]->data->neigh_no);
+                fatal("Number of neighbours not the same in init_sort_neighbours.",4);
+            }
+            //we must correct the pointers in original to point to their
+            //neighbours according to indexes. Must be sure not to do it any
+            //other way! Also, we need to repair the collection of bonds...
+            vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1]=vtx[tvtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1]->idx+1];
+        }
+    }
+   // Must free memory for temporary vertex array to avoid memory leak! HERE! NOW!
+//    free_vertex(tvlist.vertex,tvlist.n);
+    vtx_list_free(tvlist);
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_vesicle_bonds(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+	ts_vertex_list *vlist=vesicle->vlist;
+	ts_bond_list *blist=vesicle->blist;
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx - 1; // Because of 0 indexing
+/* lets make correct clockwise ordering of in nearest neighbour list */
+	ts_uint i,j,k;
+	for(i=1;i<=vlist->n;i++){
+		for(j=i+1;j<=vlist->n;j++){
+			for(k=0;k<vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;k++){ // has changed 0 to < instead of 1 and <=
+				if(vtx[i]->data->neigh[k]==vtx[j]){  //if addresses matches it is the same
+					bond_add(blist,vtx[i],vtx[j]);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} 
+/* Let's make a check if the number of bonds is correct */
+    if((blist->n)!=3*(vlist->n-2)){
+        ts_fprintf(stderr,"Number of bonds is %u should be %u!\n", blist->n, 3*(vlist->n-2));
+        fatal("Number of bonds is not 3*(no_vertex-2).",4);
+    }
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_triangles(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+	ts_uint i,j,jj,k;
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx -1; // difference between 0 indexing and 1 indexing
+	ts_triangle_list *tlist=vesicle->tlist;
+	ts_double dist, direct;
+	ts_double eps=0.001; // can we use EPS from math.h?
+	k=0;
+	for(i=1;i<=vesicle->vlist->n;i++){
+		for(j=1;j<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;j++){
+			for(jj=1;jj<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;jj++){
+		//		ts_fprintf(stderr,"%u: (%u,%u) neigh_no=%u ",i,j,jj,vtx[i].neigh_no);
+        //      ts_fprintf(stderr,"%e, %e",vtx[i].neigh[j-1]->x,vtx[i].neigh[jj-1]->x);
+				dist=vtx_distance_sq(vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1],vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]);
+				direct=vtx_direct(vtx[i],vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1],vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]);				
+				if(fabs(dist-A0*A0)<=eps && direct < 0.0 && vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1]->idx+1 > i && vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]->idx+1 >i){
+					triangle_add(tlist,vtx[i],vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1],vtx[i]->data->neigh[jj-1]);
+				}	
+			}	
+		}
+	}
+/* We check if all triangles have 3 vertices and if the number of triangles
+ * matches the theoretical value.
+ */
+	for(i=0;i<tlist->n;i++){
+        k=0;
+		for(j=0;j<3;j++){
+			if(tlist->tria[i]->data->vertex[j]!=NULL)
+            k++;
+		}
+            if(k!=3){
+                fatal("Some triangles has less than 3 vertices..",4);
+            }   
+	} 
+    if(tlist->n!=2*(vesicle->vlist->n -2)){
+        ts_fprintf(stderr,"The number of triangles is %u but should be %u!\n",tlist->n,2*(vesicle->vlist->n -2));
+        fatal("The number of triangles doesn't match 2*(no_vertex -2).",4);
+    }
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_triangle_neighbours(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+	ts_uint i,j,nobo;
+    ts_vertex *i1,*i2,*i3,*j1,*j2,*j3;
+//	ts_vertex **vtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx -1; // difference between 0 indexing and 1 indexing
+	ts_triangle_list *tlist=vesicle->tlist;
+    ts_triangle **tria=tlist->tria -1;
+    nobo=0;
+    for(i=1;i<=tlist->n;i++){
+        i1=tria[i]->data->vertex[0]; 
+        i2=tria[i]->data->vertex[1]; 
+        i3=tria[i]->data->vertex[2]; 
+        for(j=1;j<=tlist->n;j++){
+            if(j==i) continue;
+            j1=tria[j]->data->vertex[0]; 
+            j2=tria[j]->data->vertex[1]; 
+            j3=tria[j]->data->vertex[2]; 
+            if((i1==j1 && i3==j2) || (i1==j2 && i3==j3) || (i1==j3 && i3==j1)){
+                    triangle_add_neighbour(tria[i],tria[j]);
+                    nobo++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for(i=1;i<=tlist->n;i++){
+        i1=tria[i]->data->vertex[0]; 
+        i2=tria[i]->data->vertex[1]; 
+        i3=tria[i]->data->vertex[2]; 
+        for(j=1;j<=tlist->n;j++){
+            if(j==i) continue;
+            j1=tria[j]->data->vertex[0]; 
+            j2=tria[j]->data->vertex[1]; 
+            j3=tria[j]->data->vertex[2]; 
+            if((i1==j1 && i2==j3) || (i1==j3 && i2==j2) || (i1==j2 && i2==j1)){
+                triangle_add_neighbour(tria[i],tria[j]);
+                nobo++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for(i=1;i<=tlist->n;i++){
+        i1=tria[i]->data->vertex[0]; 
+        i2=tria[i]->data->vertex[1]; 
+        i3=tria[i]->data->vertex[2]; 
+        for(j=1;j<=tlist->n;j++){
+            if(j==i) continue;
+            j1=tria[j]->data->vertex[0]; 
+            j2=tria[j]->data->vertex[1]; 
+            j3=tria[j]->data->vertex[2]; 
+            if((i2==j1 && i3==j3) || (i2==j3 && i3==j2) || (i2==j2 && i3==j1)){
+                triangle_add_neighbour(tria[i],tria[j]);
+                nobo++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(nobo != vesicle->blist->n*2) {
+            ts_fprintf(stderr,"Number of triangles= %u, number of bonds= %u\n",nobo/2, vesicle->blist->n);
+            fatal("Number of triangle neighbour pairs differs from double the number of bonds!",4);
+    }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_common_vertex_triangle_neighbours(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+	ts_uint i,j,jp,k;
+    ts_vertex *k1,*k2,*k3,*k4,*k5;
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx -1; // difference between 0 indexing and 1 indexing
+	ts_triangle_list *tlist=vesicle->tlist;
+    ts_triangle **tria=tlist->tria -1;
+    for(i=1;i<=vesicle->vlist->n;i++){
+        for(j=1;j<=vtx[i]->data->neigh_no;j++){
+            k1=vtx[i]->data->neigh[j-1];
+            jp=j+1;
+            if(j == vtx[i]->data->neigh_no) jp=1;
+            k2=vtx[i]->data->neigh[jp-1];
+            for(k=1;k<=tlist->n;k++){		// VERY NON-OPTIMAL!!! too many loops (vlist.n * vtx.neigh * tlist.n )!
+                k3=tria[k]->data->vertex[0];
+                k4=tria[k]->data->vertex[1];
+                k5=tria[k]->data->vertex[2];
+//                ts_fprintf(stderr,"%u %u: k=(%u %u %u)\n",k1,k2,k3,k4,k5);
+                if((vtx[i]==k3 && k1==k4 && k2==k5) ||
+                (vtx[i]==k4 && k1==k5 && k2==k3) ||
+                (vtx[i]==k5 && k1==k3 && k2==k4)){
+          //          ts_fprintf(stderr, "Added to tristar! ");
+                    vertex_add_tristar(vtx[i],tria[k]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+/*        ts_fprintf(stderr,"TRISTAR for %u (%u):",i-1,vtx[i].tristar_no);
+        for(j=0;j<vtx[i].tristar_no;j++){
+            ts_fprintf(stderr," %u,",vtx[i].tristar[j]->idx);
+        }
+        ts_fprintf(stderr,"\n"); */
+    }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool init_normal_vectors(ts_triangle_list *tlist){
+	/* Normals point INSIDE vesicle */
+	ts_uint k;
+	ts_triangle **tria=tlist->tria -1; //for 0 indexing
+	for(k=1;k<=tlist->n;k++){
+		triangle_normal_vector(tria[k]);	
+	}
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/initial_timestep.h b/src/initial_distribution.h
similarity index 84%
rename from src/initial_timestep.h
rename to src/initial_distribution.h
index 57d079c..04fdfe1 100644
--- a/src/initial_timestep.h
+++ b/src/initial_distribution.h
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
   * @param N is the number of vertices to be initialized
   * @returns TS_SUCCESS on success, TS_FAIL otherwise. If allocation fails, the execution is terminated, reporting error code to the underlying operating system.
-ts_bool initial_distribution(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
+ts_vesicle *initial_distribution_dipyramid(ts_uint nshell, ts_uint ncmax1, ts_uint ncmax2, ts_uint ncmax3, ts_double stepsize);
 /** Sets the initial position of the vertexes to dipyramid
@@ -19,17 +18,17 @@
 ts_bool pentagonal_dipyramid_vertex_distribution(ts_vertex_list *vlist);
 /** Finds the neighbouring vertices and add them to a list of each vertex
  *      @param *vlist is a pointer to a ts_vertex_list
  *      @returns TS_SUCCESS if successful, TS_FAIL otherwise
 ts_bool init_vertex_neighbours(ts_vertex_list *vlist);
+//ts_bool init_vertex_neighbours(ts_vertex_list *vlist);
 /** interior sites and their neighbours in circ. order + the triangles they are holding together */
 ts_bool init_sort_neighbours(ts_vertex_list *vlist);
-ts_bool init_bonds(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
+ts_bool init_vesicle_bonds(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
 ts_bool init_triangles(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
 ts_bool init_triangle_neighbours(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
 ts_bool init_common_vertex_triangle_neighbours(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
diff --git a/src/initial_timestep.c b/src/initial_timestep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b5dab6..0000000
--- a/src/initial_timestep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include "general.h"
-#include "vertex.h"
-#include "bond.h"
-#include "initial_timestep.h"
-ts_bool initial_distribution(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
-    ts_fprintf(stderr,"Starting initial_distribution on vesicle with %u shells!...\n",vesicle->nshell);
-	ts_bool retval;
-	ts_vertex_list *vlist=&vesicle->vlist;
-	ts_bond_list *blist=&vesicle->blist;
-	ts_uint nshell=vesicle->nshell;
-    ts_uint no_vertices=5*nshell*nshell+2;
-    ts_fprintf(stderr,"Calling init_vertex_list...\n");
-	retval = init_vertex_list(vlist,no_vertices,2);
-	if(retval!=TS_SUCCESS) fatal("There was an error in calling init_vertex_list. Cannot continue.",1);
-    retval = vertex_set_global_values(vesicle);
-    ts_fprintf(stderr,"Calling init_bond_list...\n");
-	retval = init_bond_list(blist);
-     ts_fprintf(stderr,"initial_distribution finished!\n");
-	return TS_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 77a84ab..b0886f6 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
 #include "bond.h"
 #include "triangle.h"
 #include "cell.h"
+#include "vesicle.h"
 //#include "io.h"
-//#include "initial_timestep.h"
+#include "initial_distribution.h"
 /** Entrance function to the program
   * @param argv is a number of parameters used in program call (including the program name
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
 ts_bond_list *blist=init_bond_list();
 ts_triangle_list *tlist=init_triangle_list();
 ts_cell_list *clist=init_cell_list(3,3,3,0.3);
+ts_vesicle *vesicle;
 if(retval==TS_FAIL) printf("1. already a member or vertex is null!\n");
@@ -52,6 +53,11 @@
+printf("Tests complete.\n");
 return 0; //program finished perfectly ok. We return 0.
diff --git a/src/vertex.c b/src/vertex.c
index fb0e3e5..379d43e 100644
--- a/src/vertex.c
+++ b/src/vertex.c
@@ -39,18 +39,6 @@
     return data;
-ts_bool vtx_set_global_values(ts_vertex **vlist, ts_vesicle *vesicle){
-    ts_double xk=vesicle->bending_rigidity;
-    ts_uint i;
-    for(i=0;i<vesicle->vlist.n;i++){
-        vlist[i]->xk=xk;
-    }
-    return TS_SUCCESS;
 ts_bool vtx_add_neighbour(ts_vertex *vtx, ts_vertex *nvtx){
     ts_uint i;
@@ -112,6 +100,7 @@
     return TS_SUCCESS;
 ts_bool vtx_add_bond(ts_bond_list *blist,ts_vertex *vtx1,ts_vertex *vtx2){
@@ -190,3 +179,38 @@
+ts_bool vtx_set_global_values(ts_vesicle *vesicle){ 
+    ts_double xk=vesicle->bending_rigidity;
+    ts_uint i; 
+    for(i=0;i<vesicle->vlist->n;i++){
+        vesicle->vlist->vtx[i]->data->xk=xk;
+    }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+inline ts_double vtx_direct(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2, ts_vertex *vtx3){
+    ts_double dX2=vtx2->data->x-vtx1->data->x;
+    ts_double dY2=vtx2->data->y-vtx1->data->y;
+    ts_double dZ2=vtx2->data->z-vtx1->data->z;
+    ts_double dX3=vtx3->data->x-vtx1->data->x;
+    ts_double dY3=vtx3->data->y-vtx1->data->y;
+    ts_double dZ3=vtx3->data->z-vtx1->data->z;
+    ts_double direct=vtx1->data->x*(dY2*dZ3 -dZ2*dY3)+ 
+        vtx1->data->y*(dZ2*dX3-dX2*dZ3)+
+        vtx1->data->z*(dX2*dY3-dY2*dX3);
+    return(direct);    
+inline ts_bool vertex_add_tristar(ts_vertex *vtx, ts_triangle *tristarmem){
+	vtx->data->tristar_no++;
+	vtx->data->tristar=(ts_triangle **)realloc(vtx->data->tristar,vtx->data->tristar_no*sizeof(ts_triangle *));
+	if(vtx->data->tristar==NULL){
+			fatal("Reallocation of memory while adding tristar failed.",3);
+	}
+	vtx->data->tristar[vtx->data->tristar_no-1]=tristarmem;
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/vertex.h b/src/vertex.h
index e0df249..4e22dd2 100644
--- a/src/vertex.h
+++ b/src/vertex.h
@@ -23,4 +23,7 @@
 ts_bool vtx_free(ts_vertex *vtx);
 ts_bool vtx_list_free(ts_vertex_list *vlist);
 inline ts_double vtx_distance_sq(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2);
+ts_bool vtx_set_global_values(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
+inline ts_double vtx_direct(ts_vertex *vtx1, ts_vertex *vtx2, ts_vertex *vtx3);
+inline ts_bool vertex_add_tristar(ts_vertex *vtx, ts_triangle *tristarmem);
diff --git a/src/vesicle.c b/src/vesicle.c
index e294f93..de7f9a1 100644
--- a/src/vesicle.c
+++ b/src/vesicle.c
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
 #include "triangle.h"
 #include "bond.h"
 #include "cell.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
 ts_vesicle *init_vesicle(ts_uint N, ts_uint ncmax1, ts_uint ncmax2, ts_uint
 ncmax3, ts_double stepsize){
-    ts_vesicle *vesicle;
+    ts_vesicle *vesicle=(ts_vesicle *)malloc(sizeof(ts_vesicle));
     vesicle->clist=init_cell_list(ncmax1, ncmax2, ncmax3, stepsize);
-    return TS_SUCCESS;
+    return vesicle;
 ts_bool vesicle_translate(ts_vesicle *vesicle,ts_double x, ts_double y, ts_double z){
 	ts_uint i;
-	ts_vertex *vtx=vesicle->vlist->vertex;
+	ts_vertex **vtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx;
 	ts_uint nn=vesicle->vlist->n;
@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
 ts_bool vesicle_free(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
-    vertex_list_free(vesicle->vlist);
+    vtx_list_free(vesicle->vlist);
+    free(vesicle);
     return TS_SUCCESS;

Gitblit v1.9.3