From 621830b501728adb038b37281bd23d678a3c053d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:15:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Moved Ylmi into vertex_ts datastructure, since it is vertex related

 src/general.h |  113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/general.h b/src/general.h
index f0b42e8..2fe0ee2 100644
--- a/src/general.h
+++ b/src/general.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define _GENERAL_H
 /* @brief This is a header file, defining general constants and structures.
   * @file header.h
@@ -109,77 +110,134 @@
+/** @brief Data structure for keeping the coordinates in selected coordinate
+ * system
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    ts_double e1;
+    ts_double e2;
+    ts_double e3;
+    ts_uint coord_type;
+} ts_coord;
 /** @brief Data structure of all data connected to a vertex
- *  ts_vertex holds the data for one single point (bead, vertex) in the space. To understand how to use it
+ *  ts_vertex holds the data for one single point (bead, vertex). To understand how to use it
  *  here is a detailed description of the fields in the data structure. */
 struct ts_vertex {
-        ts_uint idx; /**< Represents index of the vertex point. Should become obsolete in C. */        
-        ts_double x; /**< The x coordinate of vertex. */        
+        ts_uint idx;
+        ts_double x; /**< The x coordinate of vertex. */
         ts_double y; /**< The y coordinate of vertex. */
         ts_double z; /**< The z coordinate of vertex. */
         ts_uint neigh_no; /**< The number of neighbours. */
-        struct ts_vertex ***neigh; /**< The pointer that holds neigh_no pointers to this structure. Careful when using pointers to pointers! Also developers do mistakes here.  */
-        ts_double *bond_length;
-        ts_double *bond_length_dual;
+        struct ts_vertex **neigh; /**< The pointer that holds neigh_no pointers to this structure. */
+        ts_double *bond_length; /**< Obsolete! The bond lenght is moved to ts_bond */
+        ts_double *bond_length_dual; /**< Obsolete! Bond length in dual lattice is moved to ts_bond! */
         ts_double curvature;
         ts_double energy;
         ts_double energy_h;
         ts_uint tristar_no;
-        struct ts_triangle ***tristar;
-        struct ts_bond ***bond;
-        struct ts_cell *cell;
+        struct ts_triangle **tristar; /**< The list of triangles this vertex belongs to. This is an array of pointers to ts_triangle structure of tristar_no length */
+        ts_uint bond_no;
+        struct ts_bond **bond; /**< Array of pointers of lenght bond_no that stores information on bonds. */
+        struct ts_cell *cell; /**< Which cell do we belong to? */
         ts_double xk;
         ts_double c;
         ts_uint id;
+        ts_double **Ylm;
+        ts_double projArea;
+        ts_double relR;
+        ts_double solAngle;
 typedef struct ts_vertex ts_vertex;
-/** ts_bond is a structure that describes a bond */
 typedef struct {
+    ts_uint n;
+    ts_vertex **vtx;
+} ts_vertex_list;
+struct ts_bond {
+    ts_uint idx;
 	ts_vertex *vtx1;
 	ts_vertex *vtx2;
     ts_double bond_length;
     ts_double bond_length_dual;
-} ts_bond;
+typedef struct ts_bond ts_bond;
+struct ts_bond_list {
+    ts_uint n;
+    ts_bond **bond;
+typedef struct ts_bond_list ts_bond_list;
 struct ts_triangle {
-	ts_uint idx;
+    ts_uint idx;
 	ts_vertex *vertex[3];
 	ts_uint neigh_no;
 	struct ts_triangle **neigh;
 	ts_double xnorm;
 	ts_double ynorm;
 	ts_double znorm;
+    ts_double area; // firstly needed for sh.c
 typedef struct ts_triangle ts_triangle;
+struct ts_triangle_list{
+    ts_uint n;
+    ts_triangle **tria;
+typedef struct ts_triangle_list ts_triangle_list;
 typedef struct ts_cell {
     ts_uint idx;
     ts_vertex **vertex;
     ts_uint nvertex;
-} ts_cell;
+} ts_cell; 
-typedef struct {
-	ts_vertex **vlist;
-	ts_bond **blist;
-	ts_triangle **tlist;
-    ts_cell **clist;
-	ts_uint nshell;
-    ts_uint nvertex;
-    ts_uint nbond;
-    ts_uint ntria;
-    ts_cell ncell;
+typedef struct ts_cell_list{
+    ts_uint ncmax[3];
+    ts_uint cellno;
+    ts_cell **cell;
     ts_double dcell;
     ts_double shift;
     ts_double max_occupancy;
-    ts_uint ncmax[3];
+} ts_cell_list;
+typedef struct {
+    ts_uint l;
+    ts_uint i;
+    ts_double **ulm;
+    ts_double **co;
+} ts_spharm;
+typedef struct {
+	ts_vertex_list *vlist;
+	ts_bond_list *blist;
+	ts_triangle_list *tlist;
+    ts_cell_list *clist;
+	ts_uint nshell;
     ts_double bending_rigidity;
     ts_double dmax;
     ts_double stepsize;
     ts_double cm[3];
+    ts_double volume;
+    ts_spharm *sphHarmonics;
 } ts_vesicle;
@@ -202,6 +260,9 @@
 void fatal(char *text, ts_int errcode);
-//ts_uint ts_fprintf(FILE *fd, char *fmt, va_list ap);
+ts_uint ts_fprintf(FILE *fd, char *fmt, ...);
+#define VTX(n) &(vlist->vtx[n])
+#define VTX_DATA(n) vlist->vtx[n].data

Gitblit v1.9.3