From 459ff94855b2659de14ac2ac902b9658d28e19d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samo Penic <samo@CAE-linux.(none)>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:11:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added complex spherical harmonics.

 src/            |   10 +-
 src/main.c                 |    3 
 src/timestep.c             |    7 +-
 src/tape                   |    6 +-
 src/vesicle.c              |    3 
 src/shcomplex.c            |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/initial_distribution.c |    3 
 src/general.h              |    2 
 src/shcomplex.h            |    8 ++
 9 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 970dec2..7e77543 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 trisurf_PROGRAMS = trisurf
-trisurf_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c bondflip.c main.c poly.c stats.c sh.c
+trisurf_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c bondflip.c main.c poly.c stats.c sh.c shcomplex.c
 #trisurf_LDFLAGS = -lm -lconfuse
 shdiscover_PROGRAMS= shdiscover
-shdiscover_SOURCES= general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c energy.c sh.c shdiscover.c poly.c stats.c
+shdiscover_SOURCES= general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c energy.c sh.c shdiscover.c poly.c stats.c shcomplex.c
 AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
-co_test_SOURCES= general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c energy.c sh.c co_test.c frame.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c
+co_test_SOURCES= general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c energy.c sh.c co_test.c frame.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c shcomplex.c
 spherical_trisurf_PROGRAMS = spherical_trisurf
-spherical_trisurf_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c spherical_trisurf.c sh.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c
+spherical_trisurf_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c spherical_trisurf.c sh.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c shcomplex.c
 spherical_trisurf_ff_PROGRAMS = spherical_trisurf_ff
-spherical_trisurf_ff_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c spherical_trisurf_ff.c sh.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c
+spherical_trisurf_ff_SOURCES = general.c vertex.c bond.c triangle.c cell.c vesicle.c initial_distribution.c io.c frame.c energy.c timestep.c vertexmove.c spherical_trisurf_ff.c sh.c bondflip.c poly.c stats.c shcomplex.c
diff --git a/src/general.h b/src/general.h
index e47ef1c..8165505 100644
--- a/src/general.h
+++ b/src/general.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 /* @brief This is a header file, defining general constants and structures.
   * @file header.h
   * @author Samo Penic
@@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
 typedef struct {
     ts_uint l;
     ts_double **ulm;
+    gsl_complex **ulmComplex;
     ts_double **sumUlm2;
     ts_uint N;
     ts_double **co;
diff --git a/src/initial_distribution.c b/src/initial_distribution.c
index 5006a64..bff9f05 100644
--- a/src/initial_distribution.c
+++ b/src/initial_distribution.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "poly.h"
 #include "io.h"
 #include "sh.h"
+#include "shcomplex.h"
 ts_vesicle *initial_distribution_dipyramid(ts_uint nshell, ts_uint ncmax1, ts_uint ncmax2, ts_uint ncmax3, ts_double stepsize){
 	ts_fprintf(stdout,"Starting initial_distribution on vesicle with %u shells!...\n",nshell);
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@
 	vesicle->pressure= tape->pressure;
-	    vesicle->sphHarmonics=sph_init(vesicle->vlist,tape->shc);
+	    vesicle->sphHarmonics=complex_sph_init(vesicle->vlist,tape->shc);
     else {
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 9bb3430..25f1343 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "timestep.h"
 #include "poly.h"
 #include "sh.h"
+#include "shcomplex.h"
 /** Entrance function to the program
   * @param argv is a number of parameters used in program call (including the program name
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
 		vesicle->clist->dmin_interspecies = tape->dmin_interspecies*tape->dmin_interspecies;
         /* spherical harmonics */
-	        vesicle->sphHarmonics=sph_init(vesicle->vlist,tape->shc);
+	        vesicle->sphHarmonics=complex_sph_init(vesicle->vlist,tape->shc);
         else {
diff --git a/src/shcomplex.c b/src/shcomplex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9488ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shcomplex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "general.h"
+#include "sh.h"
+#include "shcomplex.h"
+ts_spharm *complex_sph_init(ts_vertex_list *vlist, ts_uint l){
+    ts_uint j,i;
+    ts_spharm *sph=(ts_spharm *)malloc(sizeof(ts_spharm));
+    sph->N=0;
+    /* lets initialize Ylm for each vertex. */
+    sph->Ylmi=(ts_double ***)calloc(l,sizeof(ts_double **));
+    for(i=0;i<l;i++){
+            sph->Ylmi[i]=(ts_double **)calloc(2*i+1,sizeof(ts_double *));
+            for(j=0;j<(2*i+1);j++){
+                sph->Ylmi[i][j]=(ts_double *)calloc(vlist->n,sizeof(ts_double));
+            }
+    }
+    /* lets initialize ulm */
+    sph->ulm=(ts_double **)calloc(l,sizeof(ts_double *));
+    sph->ulmComplex=(gsl_complex **)calloc(l,sizeof(gsl_complex *));
+    for(j=0;j<l;j++){
+        sph->ulm[j]=(ts_double *)calloc(2*j+1,sizeof(ts_double));
+        sph->ulmComplex[j]=(gsl_complex *)calloc(2*j+1,sizeof(gsl_complex));
+    }
+    /* lets initialize sum of Ulm2 */
+    sph->sumUlm2=(ts_double **)calloc(l,sizeof(ts_double *));
+    for(j=0;j<l;j++){
+        sph->sumUlm2[j]=(ts_double *)calloc(2*j+1,sizeof(ts_double));
+    }
+    /* lets initialize co */
+//NOTE: C is has zero based indexing. Code is imported from fortran and to comply with original indexes we actually generate one index more. Also second dimension is 2*j+2 instead of 2*j+2. elements starting with 0 are useles and should be ignored!
+    sph->co=(ts_double **)calloc(l+1,sizeof(ts_double *));
+    for(j=0;j<=l;j++){
+        sph->co[j]=(ts_double *)calloc(2*j+2,sizeof(ts_double));
+    }
+    sph->l=l;   
+    /* Calculate coefficients that will remain constant during all the simulation */ 
+   precomputeShCoeff(sph);
+    return sph;
+ts_bool complex_sph_free(ts_spharm *sph){
+    int i,j;
+    if(sph==NULL) return TS_FAIL;
+    for(i=0;i<sph->l;i++){
+        if(sph->ulm[i]!=NULL) free(sph->ulm[i]);
+        if(sph->ulmComplex[i]!=NULL) free(sph->ulmComplex[i]);
+        if(sph->sumUlm2[i]!=NULL) free(sph->sumUlm2[i]);
+        if(sph->co[i]!=NULL) free(sph->co[i]);
+    }
+        if(sph->co[sph->l]!=NULL) free(sph->co[sph->l]);
+    if(sph->co != NULL) free(sph->co);
+    if(sph->ulm !=NULL) free(sph->ulm);
+    if(sph->ulmComplex !=NULL) free(sph->ulmComplex);
+        if(sph->Ylmi!=NULL) {
+            for(i=0;i<sph->l;i++){
+                if(sph->Ylmi[i]!=NULL){
+                    for(j=0;j<i*2+1;j++){
+                        if(sph->Ylmi[i][j]!=NULL) free (sph->Ylmi[i][j]);
+                    }
+                    free(sph->Ylmi[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            free(sph->Ylmi);
+        }
+    free(sph);
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool calculateUlmComplex(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+    ts_int i,j,k,m,l;
+    ts_vertex *cvtx;
+    ts_coord coord;
+/* set all values to zero */
+    for(i=0;i<vesicle->sphHarmonics->l;i++){
+        for(j=0;j<2*i+1;j++) GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&(vesicle->sphHarmonics->ulmComplex[i][j]),0.0,0.0);
+    }
+    for(k=0;k<vesicle->vlist->n; k++){
+        cvtx=vesicle->vlist->vtx[k];
+	cart2sph(&coord,cvtx->x,cvtx->y,cvtx->z);
+        for(i=0;i<vesicle->sphHarmonics->l;i++){
+            for(j=0;j<2*i+1;j++){
+		m=j-i;
+		l=i;
+		if(m>=0){	
+	//	fprintf(stderr, "Racunam za l=%d, m=%d\n", l,m);
+                vesicle->sphHarmonics->ulmComplex[i][j]=gsl_complex_add(vesicle->sphHarmonics->ulmComplex[i][j], gsl_complex_conjugate(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_polar(1.0,(ts_double)m*coord.e2),cvtx->solAngle*cvtx->relR*gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm(l,m,cos(coord.e3)))) );
+		} else {
+	//	fprintf(stderr, "Racunam za l=%d, abs(m=%d)\n", l,m);
+                vesicle->sphHarmonics->ulmComplex[i][j]=gsl_complex_add(vesicle->sphHarmonics->ulmComplex[i][j], gsl_complex_conjugate(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_polar(1.0,(ts_double)m*coord.e2),cvtx->solAngle*cvtx->relR*pow(-1,m)*gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm(l,-m,cos(coord.e3)))) );
+		}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return TS_SUCCESS;
+ts_bool storeUlmComplex2(ts_vesicle *vesicle){
+	ts_spharm *sph=vesicle->sphHarmonics;
+	ts_int i,j;
+	for(i=0;i<sph->l;i++){
+    		for(j=0;j<2*i+1;j++){
+        		sph->sumUlm2[i][j]+=gsl_complex_abs2(sph->ulmComplex[i][j]);
+    		}
+	}
+	sph->N++;
+	return TS_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/shcomplex.h b/src/shcomplex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161be6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shcomplex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef _H_SH_COMPLEX
+#define _H_SH_COMPLEX
+#include "general.h"
+ts_bool storeUlmComplex2(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
+ts_spharm *complex_sph_init(ts_vertex_list *vlist, ts_uint l);
+ts_bool complex_sph_free(ts_spharm *sph);
+ts_bool calculateUlmComplex(ts_vesicle *vesicle);
diff --git a/src/tape b/src/tape
index 7de3646..be15cfd 100644
--- a/src/tape
+++ b/src/tape
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
 ####### Program Control ############
 #how many MC sweeps between subsequent records of states to disk
 #how many initial mcsweeps*inititer MC sweeps before recording to disk?
 #how many records do you want on the disk iteration are there in a run?
 ###### Spherical harmonics ###########
 #shut up if we are using cluster!!!
diff --git a/src/timestep.c b/src/timestep.c
index f24eccd..62e640c 100644
--- a/src/timestep.c
+++ b/src/timestep.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "io.h"
 #include "stats.h"
 #include "sh.h"
+#include "shcomplex.h"
 #include "vesicle.h"
 ts_bool run_simulation(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_uint mcsweeps, ts_uint inititer, ts_uint iterations, ts_uint start_iteration){
@@ -51,9 +52,9 @@
-			    calculateYlmi(vesicle);
-			    calculateUlm(vesicle);
-			    storeUlm2(vesicle);
+			    //calculateYlmi(vesicle);
+			    calculateUlmComplex(vesicle);
+			    storeUlmComplex2(vesicle);
 				fprintf(fd1,"%e %e\n",vesicle->volume, getR0(vesicle));
diff --git a/src/vesicle.c b/src/vesicle.c
index 0a1b84b..f63eb12 100644
--- a/src/vesicle.c
+++ b/src/vesicle.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "stdlib.h"
 #include "poly.h"
 #include "sh.h"
+#include "shcomplex.h"
 ts_vesicle *init_vesicle(ts_uint N, ts_uint ncmax1, ts_uint ncmax2, ts_uint
 ncmax3, ts_double stepsize){
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
-    sph_free(vesicle->sphHarmonics);
+    complex_sph_free(vesicle->sphHarmonics);
     return TS_SUCCESS;

Gitblit v1.9.3