Constant volume in bondflip need lots of debugging
| | |
| | | //#include "io.h" |
| | | #include<stdio.h> |
| | | #include<string.h> |
| | | #include "constvol.h" |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool single_bondflip_timestep(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_bond *bond, ts_double *rn){ |
| | | /*c Vertex and triangle (lm and lp) indexing for bond flip: |
| | |
| | | ts_triangle *lm=NULL,*lp=NULL, *lp1=NULL, *lm2=NULL; |
| | | |
| | | ts_vertex *kp,*km; |
| | | |
| | | ts_double delta_energy_cv; |
| | | ts_vertex *constvol_vtx_moved, *constvol_vtx_backup; |
| | | ts_bool retval; |
| | | |
| | | if(it->neigh_no< 3) return TS_FAIL; |
| | | if(k->neigh_no< 3) return TS_FAIL; |
| | |
| | | oldenergy+=it->xk* it->energy; |
| | | //Neigbours of k, it, km, kp don't change its energy. |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1){dvol = -lm->volume - lp->volume;} |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1 || vesicle->tape->constvolswitch==1){dvol = -lm->volume - lp->volume;} |
| | | |
| | | /* fix data structure for flipped bond */ |
| | | ts_flip_bond(k,it,km,kp, bond,lm, lp, lm2, lp1); |
| | |
| | | //Neigbours of k, it, km, kp don't change its energy. |
| | | |
| | | delta_energy-=oldenergy; |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1){ |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1 || vesicle->tape->constvolswitch==1){ |
| | | dvol = dvol + lm->volume + lp->volume; |
| | | delta_energy-= vesicle->pressure*dvol; |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch==1) delta_energy-= vesicle->pressure*dvol; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | retval=TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | retval=constvolume(vesicle, it, -dvol, &delta_energy_cv, &constvol_vtx_moved,&constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | if(retval==TS_FAIL){ |
| | | /* restoration procedure copied from few lines below */ |
| | | for(i=0;i<4;i++){ |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Restoring vtx neigh[%d] with neighbours %d\n",i, orig_vtx[i]->neigh_no ); |
| | | free(orig_vtx[i]->neigh); |
| | | free(orig_vtx[i]->tristar); |
| | | free(orig_vtx[i]->bond); |
| | | free(orig_tria[i]->neigh); |
| | | memcpy((void *)orig_vtx[i],(void *)bck_vtx[i],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | memcpy((void *)orig_tria[i],(void *)bck_tria[i],sizeof(ts_triangle)); |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Restored vtx neigh[%d] with neighbours %d\n",i, orig_vtx[i]->neigh_no ); |
| | | /* level 2 pointers are redirected*/ |
| | | } |
| | | memcpy(bond,bck_bond,sizeof(ts_bond)); |
| | | |
| | | for(i=0;i<4;i++){ |
| | | free(bck_vtx[i]); |
| | | free(bck_tria[i]); |
| | | /* fprintf(stderr,"Restoring vtx neigh[%d] with neighbours %d =",i, orig_vtx[i]->neigh_no ); |
| | | for(j=0;j<orig_vtx[i]->neigh_no;j++) fprintf(stderr," %d", orig_vtx[i]->neigh[j]->idx); |
| | | fprintf(stderr,"\n"); */ |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | free(bck_bond); |
| | | return TS_FAIL; |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | delta_energy+=delta_energy_cv; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | /* MONTE CARLO */ |
| | | if(delta_energy>=0){ |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | free(bck_bond); |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | constvolumerestore(constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | } |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Restoration complete!!!\n"); |
| | | |
| | | return TS_FAIL; |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | } |
| | | free(bck_bond); |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | constvolumeaccept(vesicle,constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | return TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | #include "vertex.h" |
| | | #include "cell.h" |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool constvolume(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx_avoid, ts_double Vol, ts_double *retEnergy, ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup){ |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool constvolume(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx_avoid, ts_double Vol, ts_double *retEnergy, ts_vertex **vtx_moved_retval, ts_vertex **vtx_backup){ |
| | | ts_vertex *vtx_moved; |
| | | ts_uint vtxind,i,j; |
| | | ts_uint Ntries=20; |
| | | ts_vertex *backupvtx; |
| | | ts_double Rv, dh, dvol, voldiff, oenergy,delta_energy; |
| | | |
| | | backupvtx=(ts_vertex *)calloc(sizeof(ts_vertex),10); |
| | | |
| | | ts_double l0 = (1.0 + sqrt(vesicle->dmax))/2.0; //make this a global constant if necessary |
| | | for(i=0;i<Ntries;i++){ |
| | | vtxind=rand() % vesicle->vlist->n; |
| | | vtx_moved=vesicle->vlist->vtx[vtxind]; |
| | |
| | | //move vertex in specified direction. first try, test move! |
| | | |
| | | Rv=sqrt(pow(vtx_moved->x,2)+pow(vtx_moved->y,2)+pow(vtx_moved->z,2)); |
| | | dh=2*Rv*vesicle->dmax/sqrt(3); |
| | | vtx_moved->x=vtx_moved->x*(1-dh/Rv); |
| | | vtx_moved->y=vtx_moved->y*(1-dh/Rv); |
| | | vtx_moved->z=vtx_moved->z*(1-dh/Rv); |
| | | dh=2.0*Vol/(sqrt(3.0)*l0*l0); |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Prej (x,y,z)=(%e,%e,%e).\n",vtx_moved->x,vtx_moved->y,vtx_moved->z); |
| | | vtx_moved->x=vtx_moved->x*(1.0-dh/Rv); |
| | | vtx_moved->y=vtx_moved->y*(1.0-dh/Rv); |
| | | vtx_moved->z=vtx_moved->z*(1.0-dh/Rv); |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Potem (x,y,z)=(%e,%e,%e). Vol=%e\n",vtx_moved->x,vtx_moved->y,vtx_moved->z,Vol); |
| | | |
| | | //check for constraints |
| | | if(constvolConstraintCheck(vesicle, vtx_moved)==TS_FAIL){ |
| | | vtx_moved=memcpy((void *)vtx_moved,(void *)&backupvtx[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | continue; |
| | | } |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Sprejet.\n"); |
| | | |
| | | // All checks OK! |
| | | |
| | |
| | | delta_energy+=vtx_moved->neigh[i]->xk*(vtx_moved->neigh[i]->energy-oenergy); |
| | | } |
| | | *retEnergy=delta_energy; |
| | | vtx_backup=backupvtx; |
| | | *vtx_backup=backupvtx; |
| | | *vtx_moved_retval=vtx_moved; |
| | | return TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | } |
| | | //do it again ;) |
| | |
| | | delta_energy+=vtx_moved->neigh[i]->xk*(vtx_moved->neigh[i]->energy-oenergy); |
| | | } |
| | | *retEnergy=delta_energy; |
| | | vtx_backup=backupvtx; |
| | | *vtx_backup=backupvtx; |
| | | *vtx_moved_retval=vtx_moved; |
| | | return TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool constvolumerestore(ts_vertex *vtx_moved,ts_vertex *vtx_backup){ |
| | | ts_uint j; |
| | | memcpy((void *)vtx_moved,(void *)&vtx_backup[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | for(j=0;j<vtx_moved->neigh_no;j++){ |
| | | memcpy((void *)vtx_moved->neigh[j],(void *)&vtx_backup[j+1],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | } |
| | | vtx_moved=memcpy((void *)vtx_moved,(void *)&vtx_backup[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | |
| | | free(vtx_backup); |
| | | return TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool constvolumeaccept(ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup){ |
| | | ts_bool constvolumeaccept(ts_vesicle *vesicle,ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup){ |
| | | ts_bool retval; |
| | | ts_uint cellidx=vertex_self_avoidance(vesicle, vtx_moved); |
| | | if(vtx_moved->cell!=vesicle->clist->cell[cellidx]){ |
| | | retval=cell_add_vertex(vesicle->clist->cell[cellidx],vtx_moved); |
| | | if(retval==TS_SUCCESS) cell_remove_vertex(vtx_backup[0].cell,vtx_moved); |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | free(vtx_backup); |
| | | |
| | | return TS_SUCCESS; |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | #ifndef _H_CONSTVOL |
| | | #define _H_CONSTVOL |
| | | |
| | | ts_bool constvolume(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx_avoid, ts_double Vol, ts_double *retEnergy, ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup); |
| | | ts_bool constvolume(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx_avoid, ts_double Vol, ts_double *retEnergy, ts_vertex **vtx_moved_retval, ts_vertex **vtx_backup); |
| | | ts_bool constvolConstraintCheck(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx); |
| | | ts_bool constvolumerestore(ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup); |
| | | ts_bool constvolumeaccept(ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup); |
| | | ts_bool constvolumeaccept(ts_vesicle *vesicle, ts_vertex *vtx_moved, ts_vertex *vtx_backup); |
| | | #endif |
| | |
| | | |
| | | ####### Program Control ############ |
| | | #how many MC sweeps between subsequent records of states to disk |
| | | mcsweeps=2500 |
| | | mcsweeps=250 |
| | | #how many initial mcsweeps*inititer MC sweeps before recording to disk? |
| | | inititer=0 |
| | | #how many records do you want on the disk iteration are there in a run? |
| | | iterations=15000 |
| | | iterations=100 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | ###### Spherical harmonics ########### |
| | |
| | | ts_double dist; |
| | | ts_bool retval; |
| | | ts_uint cellidx; |
| | | ts_double delta_energy,oenergy,dvol=0.0; |
| | | ts_double delta_energy, delta_energy_cv,oenergy,dvol=0.0; |
| | | ts_double costheta,sintheta,phi,r; |
| | | //This will hold all the information of vtx and its neighbours |
| | | ts_vertex backupvtx[20], *constvol_vtx_moved=NULL, *constvol_vtx_backup=NULL; |
| | |
| | | memcpy((void *)&backupvtx[i+1],(void *)vtx->neigh[i],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1){ |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1 || vesicle->tape->constvolswitch==1){ |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->tristar_no;i++) dvol-=vtx->tristar[i]->volume; |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | delta_energy=0; |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | retval=constvolume(vesicle, vtx, dvol, &delta_energy, constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | if(retval==TS_FAIL){ // if we couldn't move the vertex to assure constant volume |
| | | vtx=memcpy((void *)vtx,(void *)&backupvtx[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->neigh_no;i++){ |
| | | vtx->neigh[i]=memcpy((void *)vtx->neigh[i],(void *)&backupvtx[i+1],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | } |
| | | return TS_FAIL; |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"Success for now.\n"); |
| | | |
| | | //update the normals of triangles that share bead i. |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->tristar_no;i++) triangle_normal_vector(vtx->tristar[i]); |
| | |
| | | delta_energy+=vtx->neigh[i]->xk*(vtx->neigh[i]->energy-oenergy); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1){ |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch == 1 || vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->tristar_no;i++) dvol+=vtx->tristar[i]->volume; |
| | | delta_energy-=vesicle->pressure*dvol; |
| | | if(vesicle->pswitch==1) delta_energy-=vesicle->pressure*dvol; |
| | | }; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | retval=constvolume(vesicle, vtx, -dvol, &delta_energy_cv, &constvol_vtx_moved,&constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | if(retval==TS_FAIL){ // if we couldn't move the vertex to assure constant volume |
| | | vtx=memcpy((void *)vtx,(void *)&backupvtx[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->neigh_no;i++){ |
| | | vtx->neigh[i]=memcpy((void *)vtx->neigh[i],(void *)&backupvtx[i+1],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | } |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->tristar_no;i++) triangle_normal_vector(vtx->tristar[i]); |
| | | return TS_FAIL; |
| | | } |
| | | delta_energy+=delta_energy_cv; |
| | | } |
| | | /* No poly-bond energy for now! |
| | | if(vtx->grafted_poly!=NULL){ |
| | | delta_energy+= |
| | |
| | | #endif |
| | | { |
| | | //not accepted, reverting changes |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"MC failed\n"); |
| | | vtx=memcpy((void *)vtx,(void *)&backupvtx[0],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | | for(i=0;i<vtx->neigh_no;i++){ |
| | | vtx->neigh[i]=memcpy((void *)vtx->neigh[i],(void *)&backupvtx[i+1],sizeof(ts_vertex)); |
| | |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | constvolumerestore(constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | return TS_FAIL; |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | //accepted |
| | | // fprintf(stderr,"MC accepted\n"); |
| | | // oldcellidx=vertex_self_avoidance(vesicle, &backupvtx[0]); |
| | | if(vtx->cell!=vesicle->clist->cell[cellidx]){ |
| | | retval=cell_add_vertex(vesicle->clist->cell[cellidx],vtx); |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if(vesicle->tape->constvolswitch == 1){ |
| | | constvolumeaccept(constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | constvolumeaccept(vesicle,constvol_vtx_moved,constvol_vtx_backup); |
| | | } |
| | | // if(oldcellidx); |