#This part is a configuration part of trisurf deploy
#definition of tapes
declare -a tapes=("tape1" "tape2" "tape3" "tape4");
#what options from tape should be overriden
declare -a tape_overrides=("xk0=10" "constvol=2,xk=20" "" "");
#some extra options for program execution
declare -a extra_options=("--force-from-tape" "--reset-iteration-count" "" "");
#main directory
declare directory="/home/samo/trisurfanje"
#subdirectory structure
function subdir() {
exit 0;
#End of configuration
declare tape_no=${#tapes[@]}
for i in `seq 1 $tape_no`; do
echo "trisurf -t ${tapes[i-1]} -d $directory/subdir($i) -o ${tape_overrides[i-1]} ${extra_options[i-1]}"
#Functions required for operation
echo "Deploying configuration of trisurf"